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Ansible configuration

Some of the default ansible configuration settings must be adjusted to your network. This includes the controlserver IP address and the Proxmox VE server IP address. The other settings can be kept if the instructions have been followed exactly as described before.

The files described here are located relatively to the cloned ansible repository.


The controlserver host and password can be adjusted in the inventory/hosts.ini file.

The IP address or hostname of the controlserver can be specified inside the [controlserver] section. If your controlserver has the IP address then the entry looks like this:


The SSH password ansible_ssh_pass and the sudo password ansible_become_password can be specified inside the [controlserver:vars] section. If your password is set to 123456 then the entry looks like this:


Proxmox VE

Host and password

The Proxmox VE server host and password can be adjusted in the inventory/hosts.ini file.

The IP address or hostname of the Proxmox VE server can be specified inside the [proxmox] section. If your Proxmox VE server has the IP address then the entry looks like this:


The SSH password ansible_ssh_pass can be specified inside the [controlserver:vars] section. If your password is set to 123456 then the entry looks like this:


API credentials

The credentials for the API access can be adjusted in the group_vars/all file.

The following parameters are required.

  • proxmox_api_user: Specifies the user for the API authentication. This value is visible in the Proxmox VE webinterface in the top right corner. More info here.

  • proxmox_api_pass: Specifies the password for the API authentication. This is the same password as the password for the Proxmox VE webinterface. More info here.

  • proxmox_api_node: Specifies the Proxmox VE node, where the new VM will be created. This value is visible in the Proxmox VE webinterface inside the datacenter overview. More info here.

The default entry looks like this:

proxmox_api_user: root@pam
proxmox_api_pass: "123456"
proxmox_api_node: pve

VM hardware

The settings that define the hardware of the VM can be adjusted in the group_vars/all file.

The following parameters can be adjusted.

  • proxmox_vm_storage: Specifies the storage identifier where to create the virtio hard disk. More info here.

  • proxmox_vm_storage_capacity: Specifies the size of the virtio hard disk in GB. More info here.

  • proxmox_vm_sockets: Specifies the number of CPU sockets. More info here.

  • proxmox_vm_cores: Specifies the number of CPU cores per socket. More info here.

  • proxmox_vm_memory: Specifies the memory size in MB. More info here.

This example entry specifies VMs with a 40GB hard disk, 1 socket, 4 cores and 3GB memory:

proxmox_vm_storage: local-lvm
proxmox_vm_storage_capacity: 40
proxmox_vm_sockets: 1
proxmox_vm_cores: 4
proxmox_vm_memory: 3072

Node passwords

The hashed password for a new node is specified in the file /roles/pxe/templates/cloud-init/user-data.yml.j2 within autoinstall.identity.password. To set a new password you have to replace the default value with the hash of your new password.

To generate the hash for the password 123456 use the following command.

python3 -c 'import crypt; print(crypt.crypt("123456"))'

Replace 123456 with your desired password.

Update software

The versions, URLs and checksums for the software that will be downloaded while installing the controlserver can be adjusted in the group_vars/all file.


If you install a Proxmox VE version that is not based on debian buster or the package repository URL has changed for any other reason, you have to adjust the following values.

  • proxmox_enterprise_repository: Specifies the package for the enterprise repository.

  • proxmox_no_subscription_repository: Specifies the package for the no-subscription repository.

The entry for Proxmox VE 6.2 looks like this:

proxmox_enterprise_repository: "deb buster pve-enterprise"
proxmox_no_subscription_repository: "deb buster pve-no-subscription"


This section describes how to specify the kubectl release that is installed on the controlserver.

  • kubectl_version: Specifies the kubectl version. It can be requested here.

  • kubectl_url: Specifies the URL to the kubectl release. The version is inserted into the URL automatically.

  • kubectl_checksum: Specifies the checksum type and value of the kubectl release and can be requested from the URL{{ kubectl_version }}/bin/linux/amd64/kubectl.sha256 where {{ kubectl_version }} has to be replaced by the kubectl version (for example v1.19.2).

An example entry looks like this:

kubectl_version: v1.19.2
kubectl_url: "{{ kubectl_version }}/bin/linux/amd64/kubectl"
kubectl_checksum: sha256:f51adfe7968ee173dbfb3dabfc10dc774983cbf8a3a7c1c75a1423b91fda6821

Ubuntu Server

This section describes how to specify the Ubuntu Server release that is installed on new hosts.

  • ubuntu_server_url: Specifies the URL to the Ubuntu Server release. It can be requested here.

  • ubuntu_server_checksum: Specifies the checksum type and value of the Ubuntu Server release and can be requested here.

An example entry looks like this:

ubuntu_server_checksum: sha256:443511f6bf12402c12503733059269a2e10dec602916c0a75263e5d990f6bb93


This section describes how to specify the RKE release that is installed on the controlserver.

  • rke_version: Specifies the RKE version. It can be requested here.

  • rke_url: Specifies the URL to the RKE release. The version is inserted into the URL automatically.

  • rke_checksum: Specifies the checksum type and value of the RKE release and can be requested from the URL{{ rke_version }}/sha256sum.txt where {{ rke_version }} has to be replaced by the RKE version (for example v1.1.7).

An example entry looks like this:

rke_version: v1.1.7
rke_url: "{{ rke_version }}/rke_linux-amd64"
rke_checksum: sha256:ebc62233f213762ef9686ac9029638f646269d17843ed7b0e4dbd9df5921b855